permission to grieve

I had a therapy session yesterday. I’ve been seeing someone about once a month for the past year or so. More often than not, I go into our sessions thinking there’s nothing to talk about.

Thirty minutes (or less) later, I’m uncovering all kinds of sh*t I didn’t realize was under the surface, bubbling away.

Yesterday’s appointment brought out the realization that more often than not, our lives won’t look like what we imagined them to be.

Our relationships won’t be like those we see in the movies.
Our jobs won’t always feel inspiring or heroic.
Our parenting journeys won’t look like what’s portrayed on social media.

And some days, comparing what you have to what you thought you’d have can leave you with a feeling of “is this all there is?”.

So…what do you do? What do you do when the way things are doesn’t match up with the way you dreamed they would be?

You grieve.

You let yourself feel the feelings for as long as they’re there and, eventually, arrive at a place where things feel good—a place of acceptance. And if we can’t get to acceptance, we look at what needs to change and get closer to what we need vs. simply what we want.

Last night—because I apparently didn’t cry enough during therapy—I sat down to finish the Netflix series, One Day.

Holy hell. Have you watched it? I was a blubbering mess sitting next to a mountain of snotty tissues. Even today, I can’t stop thinking about Dex and Em. That final episode of One Day is a masterful representation of grief. I know not everyone likes to sit in front of the telly and have a good cry, but for those of you looking for an outlet, this is one I can 100% recommend. The catharsis was next level.


Enough about me and my tears.

The new class released this week in the Detour Virtual Studio—Gut Instinct—gets things moving on both an energetic level and an internal, physical level (yep, I’m talking about 💩). It’s 40 minutes of you-time you won’t regret. Promise. You can access it for free with a 7-day trial if you don’t already have a DVS membership.

Oh, and the other thing I’m still recovering from (besides One Day) is last week’s Summer School. It was epic. I put so much love and effort into that training, I promptly came down with a cold as soon as it ended. That’s how you know it was good 😉.

All of the Summer School recordings are now available in the DVS. I’ve divided each day into 3 videos: Intro, Practice, and Q+A. Don’t want to sit through the discussion portions? Simply hit play on the practice videos and go to town. If you do nothing else with a free 7-day trial to the DVS, watch Summer School. It will give you the gold needed to re-invigorate your practice (and teaching) for months to come.

And for those who are anti-membership (I see you and I respect you!), Summer School is also available as a one-time purchase for $47USD. You can snag access to that here.

Cheers to freeing up whatever sh*t is stuck under the surface.


ps. For those of you in our teacher's platform (The Detour) on Circle, tomorrow (Aug 1) is the Monthly Movement Practice. We're going upside-down 🤸‍♂️. RSVP if you plan to join live.

Welcome to the Detour

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