This workshop combines awareness-building exercises with targeted strength and mobility work to help you connect with the true power producer of your body: the pelvis.

Here’s what you can expect to focus on:

  • Leverage diaphragmatic breathing to enhance your connection to the pelvic floor
  • Use external feedback tools (like a massage ball or foam roller) to communicate with specific muscle groups in and around the pelvis and hips
  • Movements that target hip mobility (keeping the pelvis as a stable base while the femur moves through a full range of motion)
  • Movements that target pelvic mobility (keeping the femur stable while the pelvis moves through a full range of motion)
  • Strength work that relies on pelvic proficiency: squat variations, hip hinge movements, and core activations

This workshop is suitable for all levels.

Our two hours together will include a movement practice along with time for discussion and Q+A.

For $47 USD, you receive lifetime access to the recording with the option to download for offline viewing.